On August 29, 2013 Joe La Cava and Planning Director Bill Fulton were guest panelists discussing “How San Diego’s Planning Groups Can Jump-Start Community Involvement”. Mr. La Cava, although a termed-out Trustee (pursuant to La Jolla Community Planning Association’s (LJCPA) bylaws), is the President of the LJCPA and Chair of the Community Planners Committee. He offered the following three suggestions; (i) provide interpreter for community meetings, (ii) hire more City Planners to attend community meetings and (iii) encourage turnover in our community groups. Termed-out Trustee, Mr. La Cava said “Changes to the rules on term limits could encourage turnover and infuse new blood into the committees. Currently, members can serve a maximum of nine consecutive years (six per LJCPA bylaws), but can run for their seat again after a yearlong break or if nobody else wants it”.
Additionally, on May 8, 2013 Mr. La Cava commented on a article in the Voice of San Diego regarding election irregularities of the Uptown Planners Community Planning Group. Regarding another community planning groups election irregularities, he said “The city does indeed get involved when there is an actual dispute or violation and not just squabbling. There are different ways to resolve such matters. Regrettably (and understandably) some folks choose to walk away rather than file a formal complaint”.