Bob Whitney
The La Jolla Association
At the Jan. 5th, 2012 La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) monthly meeting, the Trustees voted to ratify a nominee to the La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee (LJSPRC). They did this despite the fact that on April 14th, 2011 the City of San Diego issued a Civil Penalty Notification for San Diego Muncipal Code violations for her home on Avenida de la Playa. The City of San Diego cited her home for nine San Diego Muncipal Code violations, which includes an illegal garage conversion and the removal of three off-street parking spaces.
The leadership of our community planning group has known of these San Diego Municipal Code violations for the past eight months, yet chose not to share this information with the other Trustees.
When the other Trustees were informed of the San Diego Municipal Code violations, Trustee Joe La Cava stated his rationale for her ratification was; “To ensure as a member of the LJSPRC she would be under the umbrella of the LJCPA, thereby receiving indemnification and defense from the City of San Diego pursuant to San Diego Councl Policy 600-24”.
Trustees Rob Whittemore (who is currently resolving his own code violations) and Michael Costello’s justification to ratify the nominee were based on a “forgive and forget” mind-set. “We probably all have code violations of some kind,” stated Mr. Costello.
The La Jolla Association believes “Rules Are Not Made To Be Broken”. It is not rational for our community group, to ignore San Diego Muncipal Codes and knowingly appoint a nominee to the LJSPRC when that individual is themselves, in violation of the San Diego Muncupal Codes they are appointed to judge others by.
Click below to view Civil Penalty Notice
2210 Civil Penalty Notice
Related Topics: La Jolla Community Planning Association, LJCPA, La Cava, Whittemore, Costello