From: Darcy Ashley [] Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 12:14 PM Subject: LJCPA Community Commentary in La Jolla Light 10-23-14
Fellow LJCPA members,
With the permission of the author, I am forwarding the attached document to provide a reasoned and impartial evaluation of the contents of the Community Commentary published in the October 23, 2014 edition of the La Jolla Light by five sitting trustees of the La Jolla Community Planning Association. The author is a former LJCPA trustee and also an attorney (1980 USD.)
As a former LJCPA trustee and Secretary, I have grave concerns that the attitude and strategy outlined in the published letter will cost the La Jolla community its representation if cooler and calmer heads do not prevail. It is my hope that new leaders will emerge within the trustees who will help the organization move beyond this situation and get back to land use issues. In order for the La Jolla community to have effective representation, the LJCPA must maintain a cooperative working relationship with the City of San Diego- since the city is the body that certifies the LJCPA as the official advisory group for La Jolla land use issues and also indemnifies the group. The LJCPA can certainly meet and maintain its independent corporate status, but will have no standing with the City on land use matters more than any other civic group if this valuable relationship with the City is not preserved.
The City of San Diego did in fact investigate the election issue and based on that investigation recommended a solution that was the least disruptive while at the same time addressing the issues raised.
Finally, I am dismayed that none of those five signers objected to the personal attack directed at the chair of the group in that commentary, which was uncalled for and inaccurate. It was the city that suggested the chair call a special meeting of the membership to resolve this issue. The personal attack on the chair does nothing to raise the esteem of the LJCPA in either La Jolla or San Diego. The signers have sought to discredit the specific person who is designated to speak for the group in public- a short-sighted indulgence of emotion. If, after further consideration, there are signers who do not in fact agree with the contents of the published commentary, they should say so publicly.
The LJCPA membership and trustees should be able to produce a gracious and functional response that preserves the group’s status as the official community planning group for the City and puts this solidly in the past once and for all. It’s time to move on.
Please attend the Special Meeting on Wednesday, October 29th at 6pm.
Darcy Ashley