October 6, 2014
Ms. Karen Bucey
Development Services Department
1222 First Avenue, MS 301
San Diego, CA 92101-4101
Dear Ms. Bucey:
Thank you for attending the October 3rd meeting of the La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) as the new replacement Community Planner for La Jolla. This letter is intended to obtain from you, the Development Services Department (DSD) and the City Attorney’s office clarification as to the discussion and actions of the LJCPA regarding item number 14 on the agenda that evening, the McClelland Residence, 8352 La Jolla Shores Drive.
I understand the LJCPA has been formed and recognized by the City Council to make recommendations to the City Council, Planning Commission, City staff, and other governmental agencies on land use matters, specifically, concerning the preparation of, adoption of, implementation of, or amendment to, the General Plan or a land use plan when a plan relates to planning area boundaries in La Jolla. I also know the LJCPA is a private organization and the City does not delegate legal authority to the LJCPA to take actions on behalf of the City and Council Policy 600-24 was created to provide the guidance for the LJCPA while operating as the officially recognized community planning group. I additionally realize the LJCPA while reviewing individual development projects should focus their review on conformity with the adopted Community Plan and/or the General Plan as stated in Council Policy 600-24, Article II Section 2.
Ms. Bucey, as you witnessed at your first LJCPA meeting the discussion of the McClelland Residence did not centered on whether the project complies with the LJSPDO, instead the discussion was does the proposed home exceeded the “City Wide Floor Area Ratio”? According to the former City of San Diego Architect, Michael Stepner, a Floor Area Ratio was excluded from the La Jolla Shores PDO, La Jolla Shores Design Manual and the San Diego Municipal Code Article 10 because it was not believed to be a useful tool for guiding development in La Jolla Shores. Why than is DSD and the City Attorney’s Office tolerating the LJCPA Trustees to continue to focus their review of the McClelland Residence and other projects in La Jolla Shores based on a fabricated notion of a “City Wide Floor Area Ratio”?
Once again this is my formal written request for you, as our new Community Planner, the DSD and the City Attorney’s office to immediately refute Trustee Phil Merten’s and (illicit Trustee) Rob Whittemore’s perpetuated notion of a “Gentleman’s Agreement” that imposes a “City Wide Floor Area Ratio” instead of the LJSPDO while reviewing individual development projects in La Jolla Shores.
Your timely response to this request would be greatly appreciated.
Bob Whitney