The purpose of Council Policy 600-24 (600-24) is to identify responsibilities and to establish minimum operating procedures governing the conduct of the La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) when they operate in their officially recognized capacity.
It is the policy of the City Council to require the LJCPA, as a condition of official recognition to submit a copy of their “bylaws,” to the City for approval. The City approved and recognized bylaws of the LJCPA are dated LJCPA March 5, 2009. The LJCPA, in addition however, is conducting the business of our community with their own set of “appeal procedures”, dated September 1, 2011. These “appeal procedures” have not been approved or authorized by the City of San Diego. When these unauthorized “appeal procedures” were brought to the attention of the City, a letter dated October 10, 2011 was written to the LJCPA leadership instructing them to incorporate their “appeal procedures” into the city approved bylaws and resubmit them to the City for review and approval.
The leadership of our community group has made several attempts to integrate their unauthorized “appeal procedures” into their bylaws only to have them rejected by our City Attorney. Their attempts to assimilate the unauthorized “appeal procedures” into their bylaws has only exacerbated the problem for LJCPA Trustees, project applicants and our community. The confusion is which set of “appeal procedures” is the LJCPA now using when filing an appeal? Are they using the unauthorized “appeal procedures” addressed in the City’s letter, or are they using the unapproved proposed “appeal procedures” they have submitted to the City for review and approval?
One only has to visit the LJCPA website to question the creditability and transparency of our community group. Their March 1, 2012 proposed bylaw changes are correctly described as, “not effective until approved by the City of San Diego”. While their March 7, 2013 proposed bylaw changes are erroneously described as; “signed-off by City of San Diego” when in fact the City Attorney has not yet reviewed or commented on these revised “appeal procedures.”
Recent appeals filed by the LJCPA President however, indicates our community group while operating in their officially city recognized capacity, will for sure continue to use either their unauthorized or unapproved “appeal procedures” and ignore Council Policy 600-24 which states; “proposed bylaw revisions may not be used until the City has approved the amended bylaws and notified the LJCPA of the effective date of the amendments.”
Mr. Crisafi and Mr. LaCava, on what date did the City Attorney notify the LJCPA that they had “signed-off” on the March 7, 2013 proposed bylaw amendments? Futhermore what is the effective date, issued by the city, for the above mentioned amendments?
La Jolla Association Staff Writter