December 3, 2013 Ms. Nancy Baragado Deputy Planning Director City Planning Division 1222 First Avenue, MS 413 San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Ms. Baragado: Once again I would like to thank you and Ms. Henegar for attending yesterday meeting with Kim, Bobby, our attorney Robin Madaffer and myself. I think, however it is important I […]
Why would an architect, who was also a member of the La Jolla Community Planning Association permit review committee, design his three story mixed-use building on a 25′ wide interior lot with a zero lot line requirement and then place 80% of his windows on the west elevation of his building and no windows on the east property line as seen below? He designed his building this way confident the LJCPA Trustees would require his westerly neighbor (my […]
La Jolla Light; By Pat Sherman LJCPA trustees also voted to file an appeal with the California Coastal Commission (CCC) on a project it rejected in August, but which was approved last month by the San Diego Planning Commission. In August, LJCPA members voted that findings could not be made to approve a coastal development […]
La Jolla Light; By Pat Sherman The owners of the land on which Irving Gill’s “Windemere” cottage once stood have filed suit against the City of San Diego for preventing them from building a new home on their property at 1328 Virginia Way in La Jolla. The San Diego City Council voted 5-3 on Sept. 23 […]