The Cardenas family initially encountered the dark side of their neighbor, Mr. Rob Whittemore in 2010, when he objected to their plans to expand their 892 square foot beachfront deck by a mere 459 square feet. Little did the Cardenas family know they were about to encounter the dark side of the community approval process in La Jolla […]
Ex-LJCPA Trustee fined $121,000.00
Posted in: Appeal, Bird Rock Community Council, Council District 1, Joe La Cava, Joe LaCava for City Council,, Julie Hamilton, Julie Hamilton attorney, La Jolla, La Jolla Community Planning Assocition, La Jolla Historical Society, La Jolla Merchants Association, La Jolla Rotary, La Jolla Shores Association, La Jolla Shores Tomorrow, La Jolla Town Council, LaCava Consulting, LJCPA, LJCPA Trustee, Phil Merten, Rob Whittemore, Tony Crisafi|