Short Term Vacation Rentals (STRV’s) are not the only significant issue that may affect residential property values in La Jolla. The community should be diligently following a small but well-connected group of La Jolla residents who have formed a new community group called the “Citizens for Responsible Coastal Development” (CRCD). Our community has heard their mantra […]
Incentive-based zoning? Not in my back yard!
Posted in: Appeal, Bird Rock Community Council, Council District 1, Floor Area Ratios, Joe La Cava, Joe LaCava for City Council,, La Jolla, La Jolla Community Planning Assocition, La Jolla Historical Society, La Jolla Merchants Association, La Jolla Rotary, La Jolla Shores Association, La Jolla Town Council, La Shores PDO, LJCPA, LJCPA Trustee, San Diego City Council|No Comments