My response to Councilperson Ms. Lightner
Mrs. Lightner, thank you for your response to my recent letter. Although you stated the Neighborhood Code Compliance Department (NCCD) is under the direction and control of the Mayor’s Office, I chose to contact you as our community liaison knowing your current Chief of Staff is the former Director of the NCCD. For almost two years I have been getting conflicting answers and excuses from the overworked NCCD office regarding code violations at 2210 Avenida De La Playa (2210) and 2226 Avenida De La Playa (2226) (which can be accessed via the imbedded links for online readers). I personally discussed with your representative Ms. Erin Demorest the code violation issues and she replied “Code violations in La Jolla Shores are too numerous and therefore all code violations are being ignored by the NCCD”. I brought this issue up to both the President of the La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) and the Trustees. The LJCPA board then turned around and appointed the property owner of 2210 to the La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee! Now our community has a LJCPA subcommittee member, in violation of the San Diego Municipal Code and the La Jolla Shores PDO (LJSPDO), who is authorized to vote as to whether or not an applicant’s project meets code? From your statement last week, I will assume you agree with the LJCPA decision that a candidate in violation of City code and our LJSPDO should not be restricted from serving on our community planning group.
On a different note, Ms. Lightner you have stated you will not comment on the One El Paseo Project inCarmelValleybecause it is scheduled to come before you at a future public hearing. If re-elected, since you have already publicly proclaimed on your 2012 re-election website that one of your achievements was to require the Whitney Mixed Use Building to conduct a full Environmental Impact Report, will you be recusing yourself from the next vote on the Whitney Mixed Use Project because of your lack of impartiality?
Bob Whitney