By Bob Witney, LJA Member; Mr. Whittemore, Ms. DeJong, Mrs. Naegle, Mr. and Mrs. McCormack, it is refreshing for our community to see you have chosen to respond to my open letter to Sherri Lightner as individuals, instead of using your characteristic playbook of hiding behind the names of small but vocal non-profit groups. This […]
My response to Councilperson Ms. Lightner Mrs. Lightner, thank you for your response to my recent letter. Although you stated the Neighborhood Code Compliance Department (NCCD) is under the direction and control of the Mayor’s Office, I chose to contact you as our community liaison knowing your current Chief of Staff is the former Director […]
Myrna Naegel, co-founder of La Jolla Shores Tomorrow and the owner of 2210 Avenida de la Playa and Councilperson Sherri Lighter on July 31st, 2012 at Ms.Lightner Campaign Kickoff picnic. 2226 Avenida de la Playa is owned by Vaughn Woods. Mr. Woods is President of La Jolla Shores Tomorrow an organization formed to save La Jolla […]