By Mike Soleri Hennessey’s Tavern, located at 7811 Herschel Avenue, would like a Sidewalk Cafe similar to other restaurants in the La Jolla community. We are proposing to construct a 180 square foot Sidewalk Cafe located within the public walkway in front of their existing restaurant. Our Sidewalk Cafe is proposed to encroach into the public walkway by 6 feet in width […]
La Jolla Light By: By Pat Sherman A model of the Belvedere Promenade project, which has been proposed for a stretch of Prospect Street, between Herschel and Girard avenues. At its Feb. 9 meeting, La Jolla Town Council trustees voted unanimously to approve a community revitalization project that the group first endorsed 21 years […]
Admin-Staff The La Jolla Association and the San Diego City Attorney’s office agree, if the members of the LJCPA want to impose a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) requirement in the La Jolla Shores, the La Jolla Shores PDO must be amended and/or rewritten with input from the entire La Jolla community. As stated by Erin […]
Kim Whitney LJCPA, The La Jolla Association & La Jolla Town Council member “No Harm No Foul” was the comment of La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) Trustee Michael Costello, at the LJCPA September 1st meeting. Moreover, this was the mind-set of each of the other LJCPA Trustees who sat disappointingly silent as their President, […]
Admin-Staff Below is a computer generated image of the South Elevation of the Whitney Mixed Use Building. Computer Generated Image of the South Elevation of the Whitney Mixed Use Building LJCPA Trustee Phil Merten and La Jolla Shores Permit review committee member Dale Naegle both took the LJCPA oath of office which states; …” I will […]
January 23, 2012 Contributor to the La Jolla community Ad-Hoc Committee on Bylaw Revisions. As I stated at the January 18th 2012 meeting it is my opinion San Diego City Council Policy 600-24, City of San Diego Information Bulletin 620 and City of San Diego Information Bulletin 505 clearly outline the development review and appeal process […]
The Whitney three-story building complies with the San Diego Municipal Code and the La Jolla Shores PDO. It was approved by the La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee, City of San Diego Hearing Officer and approved twice by the City of San Diego Planning Commission. It was not approved by the La Jolla Community Planning […]
Bob Whitney The La Jolla Association At the Jan. 5th, 2012 La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) monthly meeting, the Trustees voted to ratify a nominee to the La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee (LJSPRC). They did this despite the fact that on April 14th, 2011 the City of San Diego issued a Civil Penalty […]
Mark Lyon Past President, La Jolla Community Planning Association So how blatant can you get? As one who is intimately familiar with the operations of the Community Planning Association, the bylaws, and what is proper and improper, the stark contrast between the review and processing of the Whitney project and the Spindrift project makes me […]
Roger Clark The La Jolla Association The La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) is recognized by the San Diego City Council to make recommendations to the San Diego City Council, the San Diego Planning Commission, the San Diego City staff and other governmental agencies on land use matters. LJCPA standard operating procedures and responsibilities are […]