La Jolla Light; By Pat Sherman LJCPA trustees also voted to file an appeal with the California Coastal Commission (CCC) on a project it rejected in August, but which was approved last month by the San Diego Planning Commission. In August, LJCPA members voted that findings could not be made to approve a coastal development […]
La Jolla Light; By Pat Sherman The owners of the land on which Irving Gill’s “Windemere” cottage once stood have filed suit against the City of San Diego for preventing them from building a new home on their property at 1328 Virginia Way in La Jolla. The San Diego City Council voted 5-3 on Sept. 23 […]
Pursuant to the people’s instrument, City Council Policy 600-24(600-24), our La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) is recognized by the City Council to make recommendations to the City Council, Planning Commission, City staff, and other governmental agencies on land use matters, specifically, concerning the preparation of, adoption of, implementation of, or amendment to, the General Plan […]
My name is Karen Visin and my husband Jack and I are the owners of 337-341 Playa Del Sur that has been the subject of negative articles lately due to neighbors who teamed up with the historical society and SOHO and went to Mayor Bob Filner to have our project illegally sent back to HRB […]
By U-T San Diego Editorial Board 5 p.m.June 26, 2013 In 2008, when engineer and civic activist Sherri Lightner ran for the soon-to-be-open District 1 seat on the San Diego City Council, she repeatedly said she didn’t care for the imperious behavior she saw at City Hall. “We deserve a better San Diego than […]
by Dave Schwab, La Jolla Today A controversy erupted following La Jolla Shores Association’s (LJSA) April officers’ election with one candidate resigning and crying foul, claiming another board member actively lobbied against him. Todd Lesser, a longtime LJSA board member on hiatus from the advisory group while chairing the La Jolla Traffic & Transportation Board, […]
The purpose of Council Policy 600-24 (600-24) is to identify responsibilities and to establish minimum operating procedures governing the conduct of the La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) when they operate in their officially recognized capacity. It is the policy of the City Council to require the LJCPA, as a condition of official recognition to […]
I read an article in the March 28,2013 La Jolla Light newspaper regarding the La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) approval of their proposed bylaw amendments. According to the article, LJCPA Vice-chair Joe LaCava told the La Jolla Light “last year the city merely requested refinements for clarity and consistency and the city had no objections to the core principals […]
The City of San Diego has directed the La Jolla Community Planning Association (LJCPA) to incorporate their appeal procedures into its city approved bylaws. In response, the LJCPA established an Ad-Hoc Committee (Committee) on Bylaw Revisions and held publicly noticed meetings to draft their appeal procedures. On March 3, 2011 and March 1, 2012 the LJCPA adopted the Committee’s recomendation […]
I read an recent article written by Andrew Keatts on the Voice of San Diego regarding the recent transparency push for the Community Planning Groups in San Diego with immense interest. As a daily morning reader of VOSD, I would like to share with you my thoughts and comments; First, congratulations’ to Mayor Filner for establishing an […]